
We’ve Got You

We understand. Lots of resources are available and it can be tough to figure out which ones are right for your family. At Right Steps, we carefully select and personalize proven resources to ensure we provide only the best for your little one’s development.

The Child Care Resource Network

Our primary objectives are equipping families with the knowledge and resources to make smart child care decisions, recruiting quality child care providers, and helping communities implement programs and initiatives to build a strong infrastructure of high quality child care and early education programs. 

Imagination Library

Studies show that kids who own books take ownership over reading and education. We provide free books each month, available to all children in Tippecanoe County under the age of five.

Child and Adult Care Food Program

Access to nutritious food is essential for physical and mental growth. Through a government partnership, we reimburse meals and snacks for child care providers.

Child Care Centers

Access to quality care provides opportunities for families to thrive, and our development centers demonstrate this belief through high-quality, affordable, and convenient education.

Receive a full list of programs and
opportunities for how we can serve your family.